Downtown Los Altos Intercept Survey Results

This summer, Passerelle hired an internationally renowned survey company, EMC Research, to conduct an on-street intercept survey in downtown Los Altos. The intent was to learn more about how people get to and from downtown, who uses downtown and why, and what they'd like to see downtown become. So from Thursday June 7 through Saturday June 9, third party interviewers stood on the streets of downtown Los Altos asking passers-by to fill out a one-page double-sided questionnaire. In exchange, participants received a voucher for complimentary drinks and pastries at Bumble.  In total, 502 responses were collected which represents a 34% participation rate - quite high as far as surveys go. Attached are the results of this survey, both with responses from the entire population of respondents, and also with just Los Altos resident responses culled out. This way, the Los-Altos-only responses can be more easily compared with the results of the City-sponsored phone survey of residents conducted in May 2012. We hope you find these data useful!  

Downtown Intercept Survey June 2012_Los Altos Responses Only

Downtown Intercept Survey June 2012_Aggregate Responses