Downtown Los Altos is a treasured amenity for both the Los Altos and the Los Altos Hills communities. With an ideal climate and residential neighborhoods surrounding on all sides, downtown Los Altos is well positioned to be a highly walkable and bikeable local urban core. However, the roads that frame the “downtown triangle” – Foothill Expressway, San Antonio Road, and West Edith Avenue – can be perceived as physical and psychological barriers to would-be walkers and cyclists interested in making trips downtown.

In 2014, Passerelle is teaming up with the County of Santa Clara, the City of Los Altos, and Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates to conduct a research study we have affectionately dubbed "Safe Routes to Downtown," an homage to the nationwide Safe Routes to School program. The Safe Routes to Downtown Los Altos study investigates potential surface access improvements across Foothill Expressway at its intersections with Main Street and with West Edith Avenue. Specifically, the study goal is to improve connections for walking and bicycling trips between neighborhood residences, local schools, and downtown Los Altos.

Please check out the Safe Routes to Downtown Los Altos website to learn more and to add your own feedback about how you get to downtown Los Altos and ways in which you'd like to see your route improved.